
CREATIVE CITY - Artist Residency

Nordic sculpture symposium "Parallel Reality"
During the Nordic sculpture symposium starting on July 12, 2024 sculptures and installations will be created under the hands of eight recognized Nordic sculptors, which will remain in the Loovlinnak and Pärnu beach park sculpture park and will decorate the urban space of Pärnu. It is possible to observe the work process in a process-oriented way, and the sculptors share relevant explanations to all interested parties. The following artists will be invited to the symposium: Morgan Schagerberg, Peter Rosvik from Sweden, Marita Isobel Solberg, Trond Ansten from Norway, Soren Dahlgaard from Denmark, Lína Thoroddsen and Asta Gudmundsdottir from Iceland, Juho Pöysti Posiloe and Antti Pedroso from Finland plus 3 Estonian and international artists. The Nordic Sculpture Symposium is a great opportunity for sculptors to mobilize themselves professionally in a short time, work with colleagues, live two weeks in a tense creative process, meet the citizens of the city and arouse their interest in art. Artists make wooden sculptures from linden trunks brought from Pärnu Vanapark during massive cut last summer. It is significant that the historical trees of Vanapark, which have supplied the people of Pärnu with oxygen for almost half a century, do not go to the oven, but they give birth to works of art that will delight the citizens of the city for decades. The best works will be exhibited in the Sculpture Alley in Pärnu Beach Park.

Symposium s about:
- creation of installations, that require a creative process
- creation of meeting place between artists and the public
- development of knowledge about sculpture and about woodwork and interdisciplinary work methods in installation
- organising discussions and debates and workshop about spatial art.
In the symposium, organisers see an opportunity to create a broader artistic picture, to involve young people in the symposium's audience program.


Katy RY (FIN)

Estonian Sculpture Union
Pärnu City
Defibrillator gallery